Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Professional Ethics Statement: Ethical Foundations Essay

Ron Brown’s your ethical framework and principles are to make amends where possible. Ron Brown must employ the ethics of being concerned for others, empathetic, responsible, accountable, grateful, motivated, and seek God’s grace which will be my only salvation. These character traits shape the makings of the best ethical position which will amount to Ron Brown’s success with mankind and God. Personally, when dealing with people Ron Brown’s ethical view consists of respect, consideration, gratitude, acknowledge of boundaries, cooperation, and honesty, trustworthiness, and kindness influences Mr. Ron’s perception of the people when working with and teaching. These are the area that warrant more care and affect differently the body Many individuals feel sucked into the black-hole or the abyss of empty ethics following a leaders’ vision to personally survive. Michael Joseph’s video suggested that ethics is more likely pushed aside when it comes to complying with an organizational culture. Many of the individuals feel sucked into the black-hole or the abyss of empty ethics to personally survive. This is the body of â€Å"everyday, ordinary life† as Palmer (2004) states there is absorption of jobs where people are working to pay bills, there is a limit on achieving dreams, constant making excuses, the world responsibilities carried on the backs of all human beings. Here it is, sitting in a mess without true deliverance. For example, rationalizations may appear when instructors may take off points on a graduate student’s paper only due to the fact that it was late. Maybe the student did not understand the due date. The ethical sticking to the policy even if it hurts the student represent a higher education’s established ethics despite the destruction of a students moral and grade. Particularly when a student first starts the online venture, the student is not quite sure of all of the procedures. When the ethics of the company or organization fails the people then it is time to reconsider the restructuring of the ethic that hold the mortar of future education and survival of Americans in the world work market (Bonhoeffer, 1995; Palmer, 2004; Borgmann, 2006; Butterfield, 2003). The body of â€Å"everyday, ordinary life† is laden with a heavy exoskeleton. This imaginary yet invisible shell that Ron Brown hides serves to temporarily protect, excrete, sense, support, feed and act as some supportive barrier against terrestrial organisms and desiccation (Butterfield, 2003). Exoskeletons serve to establish defenses from predators, pests and protection from unwarranted possible invasions while clinging to fear. People not comprehending my plight as an artist, musician, scholar, free mind in an over structured society holding fast to their rubrics of life, yet unforgiving and judgmental. Reference: American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Bonhoeffer, D. (1995). Ethics. (N. H. Smith, Trans.). New York, NY: Borgmann, A. (2006). Real American ethics: Taking responsibility for our country. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Butterfield, N. J. (2003). Exceptional fossil preservation and the Cambrian explosion. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 43(1) 166–177. Palmer, P. (2004). A hidden wholeness: The journey toward an undivided life. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Intramuscular Injection

An intramuscular injection is an injection given directly into the central area of a specific muscle. In this way, the  blood vessels  supplying that muscle distribute the injected medication via thecardiovascular system. Purpose Intramuscular injection is used for the delivery of certain drugs not recommended for other routes of administration, for instance intravenous, oral, or subcutaneous. The intramuscular route offers a faster rate of absorption than the subcutaneous route, and muscle tissue can often hold a larger volume of fluid without discomfort.In contrast, medication injected into muscle tissues is absorbed less rapidly and takes effect more slowly that medication that is injected intravenously. This is favorable for some medications. Precautions Careful consideration in deciding which injectable route is to be used for the prescribed medication is essential. The intramuscular route should not be used in cases where muscle size and condition is not adequate to support sufficient uptake of the drug.Intramuscular injection should be avoided if other routes of administration, especially oral, can be used to provide a comparable level of absorption and effect in any given individual's situation and condition. Intramuscular injections should not be given at a site where there is any indication of  pain. Description Intramuscular (IM) injections are given directly into the central area of selected muscles. There are a number of sites on the human body that are suitable for IM injections; however, there are three sites that are most commonly used in this procedure.Deltoid muscle The deltoid muscle located laterally on the upper arm can be used for intramuscular injections. Originating from the Acromion process of the scapula and inserting approximately one-third of the way down the humerus, the deltoid muscle can be used readily for IM injections if there is sufficient muscle mass to justify use of this site. The deltoid's close proximity to the radi al nerve and radial artery means that careful consideration and palpation of the muscle is required to find a safe site for penetration of the needle.There are various methods for defining the boundaries of this muscle. Vastus lateralis muscle The vastus lateralis muscle forms part of the quadriceps muscle group of the upper leg and can be found on the anteriolateral aspect of the thigh. This muscle is more commonly used as the site for IM injections as it is generally thick and well formed in individuals of all ages and is not located close to any major arteries or nerves. It is also readily accessed. The middle third of the muscle is used to define the injection site.This third can be determined by visually dividing the length of the muscle that originates on the greater trochanter of the femur and inserts on the upper border of the patella and tibial tuberosity through the patella ligament into thirds. Palpation of the muscle is required to determine if sufficient body and mass i s present to undertake the procedure. Gluteus medius muscle The gluteus medius muscle, which is also known as the ventrogluteal site, is the third commonly used site for IM injections. The correct area for injection can be determined in the following manner.Place the heel of the hand of the greater trochanter of the femur with fingers pointing towards the patient's head. The left hand is used for the right hip and vice versa. While keeping the palm of the hand over the greater trochanter and placing the index finger on the anterior superior iliac spine, stretch the middle finger dorsally palpating for the iliac crest and then press lightly below this point. The triangle formed by the iliac crest, the third finger and index finger forms the area suitable for intramuscular injection.Determining which site is most appropriate will depend upon the patient's muscle density at each site, the type and nature of medication you wish to administer, and of course the patient's preferred site f or injections. Preparation Before  administering medication, a health care practitioner verify the medication order for accuracy and prepare the medication from the vial or ampule. * First, ensure you have identified the patient and assist them into a position which is comfortable and practical for access to the njection site you have chosen. * Locate the correct area for injection using the above guidelines or those taught during medical training. Clean the site with an alcohol swab or other cleansing agent. * Prepare the syringe by removing the needle cover, inverting the syringe, and expelling any excess air. Approximately 0. 1–0. 2 ml of air should be left in the syringe so that the air in the top of the syringe chamber, when the  syringe and needle  are pointing down, forces the entire amount of medication to be delivered.This also prevents medication residue from being left in the needle, where it can leak into the subcutaneous and dermal layers when the syringe a nd needle are removed from the muscle. * When ready to inject, spread the skin using the fingers of the non-dominant hand. Holding the syringe with the thumb and forefinger of the dominant hand, pierce the skin and enter the muscle. This process should be done quickly with sufficient control so as to lessen the discomfort of the patient.If there is little muscle mass, particularly in infants or the elderly, then you may need to pinch the muscle to provide more volume of tissue in which to inject. * Aspirate at the injection site (while syringe and needle are within the muscle) by holding the barrel of the syringe with the non-dominant hand and pulling back on the syringe plunger with the dominant hand. If  blood  appears in the syringe, it is an indication that a blood vessel may have been punctured. The needle and syringe should be immediately withdrawn and a new injection prepared.If no blood is aspirated, continue by slowly injecting the medication at a constant rate until al l medication has been delivered. * Withdraw the needle and syringe quickly to minimize discomfort. The site may be briefly massaged, depending on the medication given. Some medication manufacturers advise against massaging the site after injection, as it reduces the effect and intention of the medication by dispersing it too readily or over too large an area. Manufacturers' recommendations should be checked. * Discard the used syringe and needle intact as soon as possible in an appropriate disposal receptacle. Check the site at least once more a short time after the injection to ensure that no bleeding, swelling or any other signs of reaction to the medication are present. Monitor the patient for other signs of side effects, especially if it is the first time the patient is receiving the medication. * Document all injections given and any other relevant information. Aftercare Monitor for signs of localized redness, swelling, bleeding, or inflammation at injection site. Observe the p atient for at least 15 minutes following the injection for signs of reaction to the drug. ComplicationsMost complications of intramuscular injections are a result of the drug injected and not the procedure. However, it is possible that localized trauma of the injection site may result as part of the process. Minor discomfort and pain is common for a short period following the injection, but usually resolves within a few hours. Results The optimal outcome is a situation in which the medication is safely and effectively delivered to the patient via intramuscular injection without signs of complications or discomfort. Safety for the health care provider is also paramount. Health care team rolesThe health care provider is obliged to undertake the following when administering an intramuscular injection: * Inform and educate the patient on the need and effect of the medication being delivered. * Ensure the correct identification and verification procedures are followed. * Provide privacy for the patient during the procedure. * Understand the theory behind selecting appropriate injection sites. * Demonstrate correct technique when undertaking the procedure. * Monitor for complications. * Document all relevant information and ensure safe disposal of equipment.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis of Small Molecule Analogues of the helminth immunomodulator Dissertation

Analysis of Small Molecule Analogues of the helminth immunomodulator ES-62 for inhibitory effects on mast cell function - Dissertation Example However, particularly in countries where helminth infections are endemic, these diseases remain comparatively rare. There is increasing evidence indicating that helminth infections and inflammatory diseases share an inverse relationship. Therefore, helminths have been the focus of recent studies. William Harnett and his team discovered an immunomodulator ES-62 secreted by a parasitic worm that is known to hold a strong cure for allergic and autoimmune diseases, such as asthma and arthritis. However, there are some practical implications associated with a high level of ES-62 production that renders it unable to be used as a drug. Hence, it is hypothesized that synthesis of ES-62 derived SMAs based around its Phosphorylcholine moiety can mimic the effect of the parent molecule and have a potential to be used as a drug for clinical trials. This project investigated the effect of SMAs on mast cells by implementing the Rat Basophilic leukaemia degranulation assay in which SMA 53 and SMA S 3 were found to inhibit Fc?RI-mediated mast cell proliferation. Also, a substantial decrease was observed in IL-6 and TNF-? cytokines production. The data presented here established that some SMAs certainly have potential to induce the same effects as ES-62 and thus to be used as a therapeutic agent. Introduction Tropical parasites disease affects millions of people throughout the developing world. These infectious diseases cause long term suffering which leads to significant economical damage. For this reason, The World Health Organization has committed to fight and extirpate many of the most costly diseases (W.H.O, 1990). 1.1 Filarial nematode Filarial nematodes are thread like worms that infect up to 1/3 of the human population and cause diseases such as river blindness and elephantiasis (Harnett and Harnett, 2010). People infected by these worms appear to be comparatively asymptomatic, even when they are carrying a noticeable parasite burden (Harnett et al., 2010). According to a number of reviews, infected individuals can harbour more than one type of parasite, but major tissue habitants of humans are the filarial nematodes which usually live in the lymphatic system or the subcutaneous tissue (Harnett and Harnett, 2008a; Schmidt and Roberts, 1989). Infection with such worms is transmitted to humans by blood-sucking insects that act as an intermediate host; they do this by transferring L3 stage larvae to humans (Harnett and Harnett, 2008a). Fig. 1: This diagram illustrates the life cycle of filarial nematode and how the worm is transmitted into the human body [6]. The duration of these infections are very long as an individual worm can survive for up to 10 years, which indicates the importance of this parasitic worm in the medical field (Harnett et al., 2010; Harnett and Harnett, 2008a; W.H.O, 2000). Over the past decade it has been hypothesised that filarial nematodes may protect against autoimmune and allergic inflammations. For this reason, parasitic ne matodes have been involved in many recent studies and there is now enough evidence to prove that nematode-derived immunomodulators play a fundamental role in preventing inflammatory diseases in the human populat

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Behaviour, Decision & Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Behaviour, Decision & Markets - Essay Example Proponents of such controversial experiments believe that most people’s behaviors are well explained by self-interest assumptions. This left other-regarding preferences to be viewed as forces of retaliation from the strengths of the self-interest perspectives (GaI?chter, S & Nosenzo, 2011). The experiment of quickly converging markets became applicable to confirm the hypothesis that is opposing to the other-preference hypothesis. On the contrary, supporters of other preference theory performed the bargain and corporation experiment, which disputed the outcomes of the quickly converging markets. They recommended that the self-interest hypothesis findings were premature and are not rationally applicable in explaining the fundamental aspects of human behavior. The self-interested decision choices are simple and are majorly used when dealing with straightforward and human behavior that is so easy to understand. Complex and hard to comprehend human behavior can only be explained us ing the other preference theory (GaI?chter, S & Nosenzo, 2011). Deducing from such concrete evidence, the question that remains unanswered is not whether self- interest is the choice or other preference. It is only important to note that in what conditions we can say that this or that condition has both economic and social effects. Hence, which is the best guideline to give a description and model these preferences. For example, other regarding preferences do not thrive well in competitive markets but this cannot be used to make conclusions that they do not exist. This impact is only realizable with rational individuals who will find it prudent not to expose their other-preference behavior in such market conditions since they are aware that they will never reap the outcomes given that the effects are not felt, in addition, the efforts to do the previously mentioned may be so costly (GaI?chter, S & Nosenzo, 2011). Outside the competitive markets where other-preference model can be ap plied has a series of economic activities that take place. These activities may be in small markets with small traders, markets with undefined frictions, contractually enforceable firms and organizations with contracts, which are incomplete and unenforceable. The models with self- interest assumptions may most of the time result into predictions, which are unpredictable and misleading with those made by other preference models being quite accurate. The economist stresses the fact that other people may be strongly convicted to serving others right by making sure that there welfare is in the right place, with a lot of justice and reciprocity. On the contrary, experiments also have it there are other individuals who are extremely callous and selfish, they don’t give regards to the welfare of the others even when such opportunities are availed to them at relatively low or no costs (GaI?chter, S & Nosenzo, 2011). The relation between such two completely contrasting individuals pre sents a strategic setting for managers in organizations to analyze behavior and find out what exists and defines fairness and selfishness. The derivations will tend to give explanations as to whether some people will tend to behave in a just and fairness in some settings in very different environmental conditions while it is the same people who will behave extremely

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Perpetuation of adolescence in the workplace Essay

Perpetuation of adolescence in the workplace - Essay Example In Nine to Five, the female protagonists certainly cause trouble and disrupt the office, but in a positive way, a way that is driven by a legitimate sense of injustice, and which ends up creating positive results in the office (Resnick and Higgins). There is little resemblance to the aimless, unproductive antics of the overgrown adolescent boys who comprise the rest of our examples. Even in the comparatively staid Dilbert, the random workplace shenanigans fall mostly to Dilbert and Wally, while Tina acts out of a sense of ambition and legitimate grievance. Of course, given Dilbert creator Scott Adams’ ideas about gender, he’s the last place we should look for nonstereotypical gender roles (Adams). This strict gendering is part of a cultural narrative, seen (among other places) on most sitcoms of the past 20 years, wherein men are immature wastrels with crude habits, and women are unfunny, joyless buzzkills. It is worth noting that the second-wave feminist hijinks of Nin e to Five were thirty years ago, and have not been significantly repeated. In this narrative, men must be the pranksters, and women the stern, disapproving â€Å"straight men,† like Margaret Dumont in all the Marx Brothers movies. This gendering arises partly from the cultural perception of â€Å"Peter Pan Syndrome,† so named in the 1983 book of the same name (Kiley). It describes men (and only men) who refuse to â€Å"grow up† and accept what are generally seen as adult roles and responsibilities. The role of women in their lives is to become â€Å"Wendies,† temporary surrogate mothers who enable this lifestyle. As a concept, it’s an old one; the Romans called Bacchus, eternally young god of wine and madness, the puer aeturnus, or â€Å"eternal boy.† (Kiley) Of course, all of this cultural context is really just â€Å"boys will be boys† in greater detail. There are cultural currents and narratives into which the office-adolescent con cept fits, but is that all there is to it? What if the puer aeturnus narrative is just a cover for something deeper? A closer look at some of the preeminent examples of the trope provide some interesting insights, suggesting that the gendering of the trope in narrative is just a cultural gloss on a deeper problem. Given its prevalence, an exhaustive review of examples of this narrative trope would be impossible, but it is worth examining a few in detail. The popular British sitcom The Office opens with a perfect example, as the character of Gareth is outraged to discover that his stapler, about which he is neurotically possessive, has been neatly encased in jelly. This is part of a campaign of similar pranksterism being conducted against him by Tim, the closest thing the show has to a direct protagonist. Other examples include gluing his phone headset down, sending him a series of romantic emails under the guise of an imaginary woman, and locking him in an office. Tim’s behav ior is presented partly as a semi-admirable effort to puncture Gareth’s self-important pretentions, but largely as an outlet for a directionless energy that his job does not channel into anything useful (BBC). The characters in Joshua Ferris’s Then We Came To The End face a similar problem; a job-related ennui that expresses itself in the most non-job-related activities possible. â€Å"Our boredom was ongoing, a collective boredom, and it would never

Friday, July 26, 2019

Letter of Recomendation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Letter of Recomendation - Essay Example first impression of (Name of employee) was nothing extraordinary until he finally opened his mouth to ask me what he could be expecting to learn from this military job. In this first encounter alone, I knew that (Name of employee) was that employee who would flourish in the real world not merely because of what he is capable of learning but most importantly his willingness to learn from others. As I got to know (Name of employee) better, I would say that I am able to discover his values not only as an employee but at the same time as a person that I believe are ingredients to a good future law maker. In the simplest manner of how (Name of employee) is able to maintain his dedication to whatever task is required of him has impressed me especially because most people of his age would easily lose motivation and attention. Aside from that, I admire his maturity in dealing with conflict which is inevitable especially in working in groups. Despite different opinions from among his workmates, he is able to come up with a unifying resolution. (Name of employee) also possesses a lot of other admirable qualities that would be very significant in his road to becoming a successful student of the law. He is very diligent in his work and does not crack under pressure which is very important, considering the amount of reading required in law school. He is also very time conscious and knows how to balance his time for his family, friends, work, and fun. This for me is a good mix for a happy and motivated law student, instead of a burnt out law student which is common today. Being able to communicate one’s thoughts in the midst of pressure is indeed a quality that (Name of employee) possesses. I believe that this will enable him to voice out his arguments better in law school. Also, this is very instrumental in shaping him as a person, how he chooses to prioritize things and also his decision making that is not mainly based on emotions, instead with utmost consideration for

Out Line for Nursing Course Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Out Line for Nursing Course - Essay Example The proceeding text enlightens the interested candidates about the objectives of the course along with how the students will work, what will be expected of them, and how will they be assessed (Excite Education, 2001). Course Description â€Å"Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand.†Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬â€ Chinese Proverb The proverb mentioned above, sometimes accredited to Confucius, encapsulates a core constituent of educating and training nurses: the utilization of simulation labs during clinical rotation. Previously, the nursing students had were expected to implement their book knowledge directly on to a human, during those times they had no â€Å"Sim Man† to practice on. This built a great deal of pressure on the student since the students had to perform well under the supervision of the doctor or other supervisors; it also meant that one mistake on their part and the patient they are dealing with can be harmed. Nevertheless , simulation nursing allows the individual students to apply their text book knowledge without pressure building. It allows the user to practice their knowledge and to perform better with confidence (Clavreul, 2012). The course has been thoughtfully designed and is functional for all nursing students who have lucratively completed their Level III requirements. In other words, all Level IV, Level V, APO, or RN-MSN nursing students are entitled. Any non-nursing students interested in learning about nursing simulation are advised to communicate with the instructor as well. Enrollment for the course is limited to 20 students in order to keep this course to a controllable size. The academic health science centre UCL Partners, which comprises more than 30 NHS organisations and education bodies, is establishing the course (Nursing Nimes, 2012). Learning objectives The objective behind designing a course is to educate nurses and also train them before they step in to the field and start pra cticing in the nursing career. It is also aimed at building the confidence and release the student from the pressure that was built previously. The students will be more confident while working in the real situations after they have worked with the created scenarios. Since, the course offers training as well the nurses will be more competent in their work. That is the course will aim at providing the nurses with the capability of dealing with situations in the real work environment after practicing upon the dummies (Galloway, 2009). Nevertheless, there is a possibility that students may feel confident while working with the dummies but may feel lost when they come across a real environment. In order to curb this problem the course has developed certain activities that will overcome such short comings in the course. Another objective of the course is to polish the nurses while taking care of the patients. In order to fulfill this objective nurses will be taught how to pass the inform ation to the patient in terms of its progress. Usually nurses are well skilled when it comes to technicalities of their job. But when the nurse is to deliver of communicate a certain information they falter behind (Galloway, 2009). Moreover, the objective of the course also involves the process of briefing and debriefing the patients or the attendants of the patient.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Mediation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Mediation - Essay Example The mediator listens to the different versions of all the parties and calms or reassures them accordingly. The mediator should have active listening skills for this stage to be successful. During this stage, the mediator clarifies statements and questions so that the parties involved understand each other. He or she may also paraphrase the stories given by the parties. The third stage is the agenda setting stage. In this stage, the mediator outlines the issues that require a solution. He or she sets the agenda for the process by summarizing the disagreements or agreements between the parties. The purpose of mediation is to resolve these disagreements in an unbiased way (Drews 44). The fourth stage is the generation of alternatives stage. The mediator employs his or her skills to generate a series of possible options for the parties (Drews 44). He or she may also guide the parties in generating alternatives. In the fifth stage, the mediator asks the parties to choose among the generated alternatives. He or she guides the parties in selecting alternatives that are satisfactory and feasible to them all. The sixth stage is ending stage. In this stage, the mediator writes the agreement as agreed by all parties. A mediation process normally involves three people. The first person is the mediator. The second and third persons are the two warring parties. However, the process may also have â€Å"support people† who assist in signing the agreements. Concluding a mediation process is the last stage of a mediation process. In case a solution is reached, the mediator concludes the process by writing an agreement that is signed by all the parties. However, if the process is not fruitful to come up with a solution, the mediator summarizes the issues raised and thanks the parties for their contributions and making progress. He then ends the session. The first advantage of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Connection of The Metabolist Movement With Traditional Japanese Essay

The Connection of The Metabolist Movement With Traditional Japanese Architecture and Urban Design - Essay Example This was accomplished through defying the traditions of space, creating new forms and functional features within the structures. In the pamphlet Metabolism 1960: The Proposals for a New Urbanism, the proponants of the movement presented through the philosophies that defined the thoughts of the architects who were discussing the concepts. The philosophy of Metabolism are founded in the ideas of Buddhist worship, combined with thoughts about impermanence and change as they related to the losses in space that the population explosion was revealing for the future (Kurokawa 6). The ideas behind the development of the design are sometimes considered to be technocratic as much as they are still entrenched in the movement of the avant-garde. The technocrat is someone who lends expertise without the influences of politics in order to solve problems for a society. Crowther and Vunsche write that â€Å"the heterogeneous Japanese Metabolism Movement is significant for its incorporation of moder n science and mathematics into a philosophical exegesis of nature† (173). They go on to explain that the structures with their mass and density for their function were intended to reflect the technological advancements through a technology dominated habitat (Crowther and Vunsche 173). Metabolism is also concerned with nature. ... One of the things that Kurokawa wanted to avoid was repeating the aesthetics and structures found in the West. In the aftermath of the war Japan had been torn apart with much of its original architecture lost to the bombs and destruction of war. Kurokawa wanted to see a Japanese reinvention of building, placing the works in harmony with both the modern and the surroundings in which it would exist. The Description Internal The Nakagin Capsule Tower was built by Kisho Kurokawa in 1972 in order to solve a problem of too many traveling business men without enough economical space to house them when they visited Tokyo (Figure 1). The work looks like a pegged game, something like Jenga that has been slotted together in the best possible configuration. For the Metabolism Movement, the work is small having only 144 modules that can be stacked and rotated around a 14 story core. The building can be changed by removing or adding modules that are connected by four tension bolts to the core buil ding. The pieces were built and pre-made in a manufacturing plant in Shiga, making the units replaceable. The space is small, but efficient allowing for the perfected small space for an individual to live (Svievan). Figure 2 Nakagin Capsule Tower (Svievan) Description External The period of time when the Metabolism Movement was active was one in which social issues and the increases in the population were of high interest. The aftermath of World War II on the Japanese was to shift their ideas from military conquest to technological conquest. The Nakagin Capsule Tower reflects this idea through economy and efficiency. The inside of the building in relationship with its economy is reflected on the exterior through its modular and changeable

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Have You Experienced Gender Discrimination at Work Essay

Have You Experienced Gender Discrimination at Work - Essay Example From the report it is clear that female labour participation has been increasing rapidly in many developed countries. However, the employment rate of women is not fairly matched as men and the typical cause of difference in employment rate among female and male workers is gender discrimination. Gender discrimination has been a barrier from the traditional work environments. The issue has almost been scraped out of the current workplace environment. However, different barriers are felt in the achievement of a gender equality workplace environment. There are many pieces of research that suggested that a number of female workers have been treated in a discriminated way in the work place. This paper hypothesised that gender discrimination is common among universal workplace and come along with unfairly treated situation based on gender. The situations range from job allocation, payment inequity, and other forms of discrimination. Firstly, the literature review will describe the existence of sex discrimination at work. The methodology of the research will be described next, and finally with results that are supported by research data. The increasing number of female rate of employment does not equal to enjoying the same career promotion opportunities as men. Female employees usually experience difficulties to approach a higher level status of work. It is harder to get promoted compared to male employees. Also, they receive a relatively lower wage.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Humes Skeptical Empiricism and Lockes Empiricism Essay Example for Free

Humes Skeptical Empiricism and Lockes Empiricism Essay Empiricism claims that knowledge is gained largely by experience, observation and also sensory perception. Human knowledge and ideas are gained empirically and through experience. Locke and Hume are empiricists who have different views about human knowledge perception. Therefore, empiricism is a theory of knowledge that arises from evidence gathered through experience of sense. It is a field that complicates views which predominates human knowledge as it emphasis on the role of experience, evidence, perception, and formation of ideas. Hume’s skeptical empiricism was Marjory on external world being rationally unjustifiable. Hume argued that in keeping with empiricism views, all knowledge derives from sense of experience. Through this he divided human knowledge in to two categories that is; the relations of ideas and matters of fact. Therefore, for Hume an impression corresponds roughly with sensation. A person’s ability to remember and imagine such impressions is known as having ideas. Therefore, Hume argued that ideas are the faint copies of sensations. Through his skeptical arguments, he explained that all knowledge cannot be established by reason. Through out his argument, he added that inductive reasoning is required to justify circular arguments about a certain issue. The premises for the principle of inductive reasoning can be reached and justified through circular argument. He concluded that such things as beliefs in an external world in the existence of the self were not rationally justifiable. Therefore, his skeptical arguments cast on the legitimacy of inductive reasoning allow many skeptics who follow it to cast similar doubts. Locke on the other hand, held that some knowledge could be arrived at through intuition and reasoning alone. Locke expressed his ideas on issues regarding to mind and white paper which leads to proper reasoning. According to Locke, the mind is like a white paper on which the experiences leave their marks. Therefore, according to his argument the predominant sources of ideas and knowledge are sensation and reflection of information. The information could ultimately lead to the internalization of knowledge making it seem innate recall of information. In this case the empiricism denied that human beings have innate ideas and anything is understandable without ideas. According to Locke’s argument, any knowledge that needs to be properly inferred or deduced should be gained ultimately from one sense based on experience. Therefore, according to Locke’s position understanding is set of propositions present to consciousness. However, the central point is missed in his argument that faculties are innate but not conscious propositional knowledge. These assumptions of cognitive transparency were challenged by Hume who argued towards positive cognitive faculties. Hume argued that there are certain traits or characteristics that could not be traced back to experience. Therefore, through his argument he contrasted Locke. The main difference between the two is seen in the point that understanding is a product consisting of propositions. It is also assumed as a process where by power of making inferences requires an explanation. According to Locke’s argument, the human minds resort to reflection on information which leads to decision making process. Reflection in this aspect could ultimately lead to internalization of knowledge making it seem innate upon recall of the information. On the contrary, Hume agued that new ideas are simply as a result of improvements made to existing ideas gained through impressions and sensations.

American Constitution and Freedom of Speech

American Constitution and Freedom of Speech THESIS: Throughout the years, the legislatures assurance of the right to speak freely has been giving Americans voices and the privilege to be heard without dread of discipline, be that as it may, the right to speak freely simply like anything can be mishandled and used to damage individuals, not simply in federalism but rather through common freedoms and social equality too. I. Introduction The First Amendments of the U.S. Constitution awards us the privilege to free discourse and expresses that Congress should make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press. The aim behind the Constitution was to permit people the privilege to completely communicate without laws ruining them; the Framers of the Constitution made laws that have progressed since 1797. The right to speak freely has favored this country that awards us a voice to vote on laws affected by the American government. II. Main Point 1: Identify implications for federalism related to the topic 1. One positive effect of federalism on free discourse is that the Constitutions assurance of the right to speak freely applies similarly to laws received by the federal, state, and local governments. In treating every division in an unexpected way, Justice Harlan contended that state speech limitations be given more breathing space than federal ones. 2. One negative impact of federalism on free speech is that we cannot always trust the government when it comes to dealing with our individual rights. Those in charge will often take advantage, often putting that federal laws above the local and state laws in the hopes that federals will long outlive the state and local laws. 3. One scholarly source that supports the topic sentence: In an article written by Adam Winkler about a study that was done, the study finds that speech-restrictive laws adopted by the federal government are far more likely to be upheld than similar laws adopted by state and local governments. Courts applying strict scrutiny in free speech cases upheld federal speech laws in 56% of cases, state speech laws in 24% of cases, and local speech laws in a remarkably low 3% of cases. III. Main Point 2: Identify implications for civil rights to the related topic 1. One positive impact on the civil rights that was brought about by free speech was the civil rights movement of the 20th century which started in 1954 and carried on well into 1968. This was could be considered a social movement as well since it not only created new civil rights laws but also equality laws. 2. One negative impact of civil rights movement brought about the rise of hate groups that were determined to stop those in the black community who now had found a platform to voice all the injustices that were placed on them by those in power, the whites. 3. One scholarly source that supports the topic sentence: The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is the most prominent hate-based organization in American history. Founded in the aftermath of the Civil War as a whimsical social club, the Klan quickly transformed into a terrorist organization aimed at subjugating newly freed blacks and driving out moderate whites that attempted to improve the plight of Freedmen in the Reconstruction South. (Freyer Levitt, 2011) IV. Main Point 3: Identify implications for civil liberties related to free speech One positive impact on the civil liberties associated with free speech is that it brought about the Amendments which gave us the right to free speech, to vote, to marry whomever we chose, and unreasonable searches of your home and the right to a speedy trial to name a few One negative impact on the civil liberties associated with free is the fact that speech isnt really free. Many were arrested for simply speaking about things such as the war or abortion. One scholarly source that supports this topic sentence: In this Article, Professor Curtis explores the First Amendments guarantee of free speech and the contention that other constitutional values must supersede this guarantee during a time of war (Curtis, 1998) V. Conclusion Our Constitutional rights are essential to everyone. The battles Americans underwent from the framers coming together and writing the Constitution, permitting individuals to have a voice as long as no harm was done, to the Civil rights movement where the black community fought for equality, not only for themselves but also for other minorities all while dealing with white hate groups and to the 20th century where in the after the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist acts, the Patriot Act was signed into law by then President George Bush. This act violated both the First and Fourth Amendments. Free speech and free from seizures and unwarranted searches. An individuals free speech must not be infringed upon to satisfy anothers curiosity because it is unconstitutional. References Adam Winkler, Free Speech Federalism, 108 Mich. L. Rev. 153 (2009). Available at: Fryer R, Levitt S. Hatred and Profits: Under the Hood of the Ku Klux Klan. Quarterly Journal of  Economics. 2012;127 (4) :1883-1925. Michael Kent Curtis, Lincoln, Vallandingham, and Anti-War Speech in the Civil War. Retrieved from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Schistosoma Mansoni Tegument Proteins

Schistosoma Mansoni Tegument Proteins Tran, M., Pearson, Bethony, J., Smyth, D., Jones, M., Duke, M., Don, T., McManus, D., Correa-Oliveira, R. and Loukas, A. (2006) Tetraspanins on the surface of Schistosoma mansoni are protective antigens against schistosomiasis, Nature medicine., 12(7), pp. 835-40.    Braschi, S., Borges, W. and Wilson, R. (2007) Proteomic analysis of the schistosome tegument and its surface membranes, Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz., 101, pp. 205-12. Tetraspanins are family found within the tegument that has shown to be accessible to host immunoglobulin by proteomic analysis (Braschi et al., 2006). The surface membrane of B cells has tetraspanins, it is also found on the suface of the schistosome tegument   Schulte et al. (2013). Function of both schistosome tetraspanins and mammalian tetraspanins   have similar function (Tran et al. (2013).   Tran et al (2006) suggested that expression and purification of the extracellular loop 2 of both TSP- 1 and TSP-2 of S.mansoni with E.coli thioredexin as soluble proteins. This was done by a mice been immunised three times   with rTSP-1 which is a recombinant. The count of the worm burdens, liver egg burdens and faecal egg was controlled and reduction was found in the counts. Due to the reduction of faecal egg count, a vaccine for schistosomiasis is achievable in which reduction of all the eggs in the environment is attained thereby reducing re-infection in the society. If the number of burden of faecal egg is reduced, it suggest that the symptoms linked with build up eggs in host is reduced. As seen using recombinant (rTSP-1) showed 34% reduction in worm burden through vaccination. Also r(TSP-2) showed 57% reduction of worm burden with vaccination. Due to screeni ng of of specific antibodies against the recombinant proteins in individual exposed to S. mansoni , levels of IgG3 and IgG1 with TSP-2 showed increased resistance in the individual in which IGe wasnt recognised. IgE is shown to come into effect when there is parasitic infection; Tan et al. (2006) said that   IgG3 and IgG1 with TSP-2 posseses protective characteistics which indicate that it could be an effective vaccine for scistosomiasis. Aquaporin is another molecule found on the surface of schistosomes and there is a lot of the Aquaporin protein within the tegument of S. mansoni ( Castro- Borges et al., 2011). SmAQP is found in both male and female worms whereby it enables nutrient transportation, drug uptake and osmoregulation (Faghiri et al., 2010). This led to scientist studying SmAQP whereby it has a chaacteristics of protecting the mice (Figueiredo et al. 2014). A chimeric form of SmAQP which is cSmAQP was made to conduct immunisation studies, whereby there was a control and mice injected with cSmAQP. This led to no worm burden been reduce and there was no reduction in parasite burden (Figueiredo et al., 2014). Figueiredo et al. (2014) suggested that when binding SmAQP to antibodies it doesnt stop the protein protein from functioning. The efficacy of S.mansori vaccine candidate Sm-p80 were measured using two methods. A prime boost vaccination strategy and a recombinant protein method. Both methods were carried out in the presence of a synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN). ODN contains unmethylated CpG dinucleotides as an adjuvant. Firstly, C57BL/6 mice were immunised with a control prime-boost (100ug pcDNA3) and experimental prime boost (100 ug Sm-p80-pcDNA3).   Also, Experimental recombinant protein (25ug rSm-p80 mixed with 50ug ODN)   or the control recombinant protein (50ug ODN). The results showed a significant worm burden in both groups. Mice immunised with the prime boost strategy had a 57% reduction whilst mice immunised using the recombinant strategy combined with ODN had a 70% reduction. Ahmad et al discovered there was also a 71% reduction in egg production in mice immunised with the prime-boost strategy and 75% reduction in egg production in mice immunised with the recombinant protein and ODN strategy. Also,   cercarial radiation attenuated vaccines (RA) has high levels of protection and this has been set as the standard for inducing protein in animal models. Some parts of the S. mansori tegument have been found to induce partial protection against schistosome challenge in animal models. In a recent study conducted by Teixeira de Melo et al 2010, mice were immunised with the whole tegument of S. mantory, (Smteg). Freuds adjuvant was used to immunise C57BL/6 mice. The mice were challenged with cercariae thirsty days after the last injection. The results showed a significant reduction in the worm, liver egg and faecal egg burdens compared to the control group. Teixeira de Melo et al. (2010) collected worms from the immunised mice and concluded that the worms were physically impaired indicating that the teguments of schostosomes were damaged. Additionally, all the eggs collected from faeces were dead however, it is unclear as to which of the specific protein contributed towards this protective immunity characteristic. 3.2 In a study perfomed by Cao X. et al (2014), two independent group of BALB/c mice were immunised with recombinant SjPDI with Montanide ISA 206 VG adjuvant and challenged with cercariae. The protective efficacy was evaluated. The result found showed a reduction of 35.32% and 26.19% when compared with control groups. 33.17% and 31.7% decrease in egg counts were also noticed. The protein SjNPP-5 from the family of nucleotide phosphodiesterase family (NPPs) was studied as a vaccine target. This protein is responsible for various types of physiological processes. (Rofatto et all 2009). In further research, Zhang et al (2011) tested the efficiency of this protein as a vaccine target. This was achieved by immunising ten BALB/c mice with recombinant SjNPP-5. The mice were then challenged with cercariae. The result showed a reduction in worm of 29.9% and there was a 26.21% reduction of liver egg count. The test shows that the protein possesses good immunogenicity and an increased level of specific antibodies. Lv et al 2009 tested a calcium-binding protein from the tegument of S japonicum for its ability to protect mice against schistosomiasis infection. Eight mice were immunised with SJCa8 and was dissolved in PBS with Freuds adjuvant. The mice were also challenged with S.janonicum cercariae. Immunised mice were compared to controlled mice. The results showed a reduction of 50.39%. this results could signify that the calcium-binding protein SjCa8 may make a suitable vaccine for the minimization of the pathogenesis of schistosome infection. * Yan et al (2005) used sera from M.fortis to screen and adult japonicum cDNA library for the identification of antigens that evoke protective response in M. fortis. Some of the clones identified by cDNA library screening partially encoded a member of the serine proteinase inhibitor. A full-length sequence encoding this protein was extracted. The S japonicum serpin (Sj serpin) was used to immunise C57BL/6 mice. The mice were also challenged with cercariae 3 weeks after the last boosting. Reduction of 34-36% in worm burdens was noticed. Also, Egg counts had a 39-40% reduction compared to the controlled group. Overall, the test for Sj serpin was lower than 40% therefore is not considered an effective protein antigen. Furthermore, Hong et al 2015 analysed proteins recognised by susceptible (mice) and resistant (M.fortis) antibodies before and after schistosome infection using comparative immunoproteomics. Hong proposed that proteins recognised by the resistant M.fortis sera would be effective vaccines on the other hand, proteins recognized by both resistant and susceptible would be suitable for diagnostic purposes. a heat shock protein known as   DnaJ was recognized by sera from the M. Fortis (resistant). Hong et la 2015 conducted a vaccination of mice with the recombinant form of Dnaj derived from schistosome japonicum. The results showed a reduction in worm burdens 34.5% and reduction of liver egg count 48.9% in the immunised mice. This illustrates that this molecule induce partial protection against S.japonicum. overall, it can be concluded that SjDna is not an effective protein antigen. 3.3 Schistosoma haematobium tegument proteins Research into schistosomiasis haematobium vaccine generally has been inconclusive. Moreover, recently, a 23kDa antigen from the member of a tetraspanin family has been analysed for its potential vaccine target in S.haematobium (inal and Bickle 1995). Mice in this study were immunised with large hydrophilic domain of Sh23 as a fusion with glutathione S-transferase. The mice were challenged with cercariae. After 8 weeks, the mice were infused. Evidence of worm burden reduction was not seen. Golden Syrian hamsters were vaccinated with recombinant Sm-p80. When challenged with schistosomiasis haematobium carcariae, there was a reduction of 48% in worm burden and 66% in liver egg burden. 63% reductions in intestinal egg retention were also discovered. Karmakar et al 2014, concluded that this was not a suitable model for studying the pathogenesis of schistosomiasis haematobium. The reason provided was due to the fact that there were no eggs detected in the urinary bladder of the vaccinated or control group. Similarly, baboons were used for immunisation experiments. The baboons were also immunised with the same combination of Sm-p80. The baboons displayed no reduction in urinary bladder egg load. There was a 40% reduction of faecal egg and a 53% reduction of urine egg. This result may indicate that Sm-p80 could be effective against both urinary and intestinal schistosomiasis. Karmakar et al 2014 Tran, M., Pearson, Bethony, J., Smyth, D., Jones, M., Duke, M., Don, T., McManus, D., Correa-Oliveira, R. and Loukas, A. (2006) Tetraspanins on the surface of Schistosoma mansoni are protective antigens against schistosomiasis, Nature medicine., 12(7), pp. 835-40. Braschi, S., Borges, W. and Wilson, R. (2007) Proteomic analysis of the schistosome tegument and its surface membranes, Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz., 101, pp. 205-12. Schulte L.  et al.  (2013) Tetraspanin-2 localisation in high pressure frozen and freeze-substituted Schistosoma mansoni adult males reveals its distribution in membranes of tegumentary vesicles, International Journal for Parasitology, 43(10), pp. 785-793. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2013.04.003. Castro-Borges, W., Simpson, D., Dowle, A., Curwen, R., Thomas-Oates, J., Beynon, R. and Wilson, R. (2011) Abundance of tegument surface proteins in the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni determined by QconCAT proteomics, Journal of proteomics., 74(9), pp. 1519-33. Faghiri, Z., Camargo, S.M.R., Huggel, K., Forster, I.C., Ndegwa, D., Verrey, F. and Skelly, P.J. (2010) The Tegument of the human parasitic worm Schistosoma mansoni as an excretory organ: The surface Aquaporin SmAQP is a lactate transporter, 5(5). Pinheiro, C.S., Ribeiro, A.P.D., Cardoso, F.C., Martins, V.P., Figueiredo, B.C.P., Assis, N.R.G., Morais, S.B., Caliari, M.V., Loukas, A. and Oliveira, S.C. (2014) A multivalent chimeric vaccine composed of Schistosoma mansoni SmTSP-2 and Sm29 was able to induce protection against infection in mice, Parasite Immunology, 36(7), pp. 303-312. doi: 10.1111/pim.12118. Ahmad, G., Zhang, W., Torben, W., Haskins, C., Diggs, S., Noor, Z., Le, L. and Siddiqui, A.A. (2009) Prime-boost and recombinant protein vaccination strategies using Sm-p80 protects against Schistosoma mansoni infection in the mouse model to levels previously attainable only by the irradiated cercarial vaccine, 105(6). TEIXEIRA de MELO, T., MICHEL de ARAUJO, J., Do VALLE DURÃÆ'ES, F., CALIARI, M.V., OLIVEIRA, S.C., COELHO, P.M.Z. and FONSECA, C.T. (2010) Immunization with newly transformed Schistosoma mansoni schistosomula tegument elicits tegument damage, reduction in egg and parasite burden, Parasite Immunology, 32(11-12), pp. 749-759. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3024.2010.01244.x. Yan, Y., Liu, S., Song, G., Xu, Y. and Dissous, C. (2005) Characterization of a novel vaccine candidate and serine proteinase inhibitor from Schistosoma japonicum (Sj serpin), Veterinary parasitology., 131, pp. 53-60. Hong, Y., Han, Y., Fu, Z., Han, H., Qiu, C., Zhang, M., Yang, J., Shi, Y., Li, X. and Lin, J. (2013) CHARACTERIZATION AND EXPRESSION OF THE SCHISTOSOMA JAPONICUM THIOREDOXIN PEROXIDASE-2 GENE, The Journal of Parasitology, 99(1), pp. 68-76. doi: 10.2307/23355019. Hong et al., 2013 Hong . et. al. (2015) Screening diagnostic candidates for Schistosomiasis from Tegument proteins of adult Schistosoma japonicum using an Immunoproteomic approach, 9(2). Inal, J. and Bickle, Q. (1995) Sequence and immunogenicity of the 23-kDa transmembrane antigen of Schistosoma haematobium, Molecular and biochemical parasitology., 74(2), pp. 217-21. Karmakar, S., Zhang, W., Ahmad, G., Torben, W., Alam, M.U., Le, L., Damian, R.T., Wolf, R.F., White, G.L., Carey, D.W., Carter, D., Reed, S.G. and Siddiqui, A.A. (2014) Cross-species protection: Schistosoma mansoni Sm-p80 vaccine confers protection against Schistosoma haematobium in hamsters and baboons, 32(11).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Conflicting Emotions :: Personal Narrative Writing

Conflicting Emotions I want us to do better. I want us to be stewards of our lands and keepers of our brothers'. I want men and women to be peaceful, loving creatures across the board and across the world. I have hope for these things. Yet, I am angry. I am frustrated and overwhelmed by the legacy from which I have come. My ancestors are murderous, violent people who are responsible for such evils as colonialism, slavery and genocide. They ravaged not only countless ethnicities around the world but the natural environment as well. I am the daughter, the granddaughter and the great-great-great granddaughter of the "White Man". The liar, the treaty breaker, the villain; that is who brought me into this world. So what then does that make me? It makes me a confused and conflicted woman. My Mother has always been very open with me about my family heritage. She never hid from me the fact that my family initially made their fortune on cotton and tobacco plantations in South Carolina and Georgia. There are towns in both of these states named after my slave-owning family members. My Mother still has in her possession the slave ledgers which recount the numbers and the prices of the slaves bought and sold by our family. She has always reminded me that we need to be knowledgeable about our history, even if that knowledge is of shameful and painful things. And let me tell you, it is both of these things. I have never really been able to reconcile my own personal beliefs with the cultural heritage that was passed on to me with my DNA. As I have begun to delve deeper into the history, ecology and current state of the Everglades I have begun to reflect on the role that my family has played in the recent history of the Everglades. My great-great-great grandfather Chipley was the man who brought the railroad to Northern Florida. It was his line that Flager built upon and extended into Southern Florida. Countless people made their way into the southern part of this state on the path that my family began. My great-grandfather, who was a biologist, came to southern Florida as an early "pioneer". He subsequently made his fortune off a company called Shark Industries which slaughtered sharks and sold their body parts around the world.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Costa Rica Essay -- essays research papers

Costa Rica   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Known for it’s natural beauty and gracious people is a small country located in Central America. Located between the countries of Nicaragua and Panama, bordered by both the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea is a true gem, the Republic of Costa Rica. Located ten degrees north of the equator Costa Rica is in the tropics and even though it is a small country it has a very diverse landscape and a variety of weather as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One unusual aspect of Costa Rica is that the country has no army and instead of a national hero being a general it is a young barefoot campesino (farmer). Costa Rica prides on the idea that they have gained through evolution what other countries have tried to attain through revolution.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first Spanish settlers arrived around the 1560’s and upon their arrival they were shocked that the indigenous people were resistant to forced labor and there was no wealth of minerals. in 1522 there were an estimated 300,000 natives and by 1801 there were only 8,000 due to intertribal conflicts, wars with the Spanish, illness from the Old World, intermarriage, and the sale of natives as slaves to other countries.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Because Costa Rica was such a poor, neglected piece of the Spanish Empire the poverty gave rise to a simple life, with strong individualism, and an equality among social classes that contributed to the beginnings of democracy in Costa Rica.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Costa Rica’s government is divided into three branches with a Supreme Election Tribunal in charge of elections which are held every four years. Costa Rica does have a large beauracy, the government produces electricity, runs the telephone service, the national banking system, builds houses, and distills liquor. About 14% of the population is employed by the government.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Today the population of Costa Rica is 3,710,558. The main agricultural resources are bananas, coffee, sugar, corn, rice, beans, potatoes, and timber. The main industries of Costa Rica are food processing, textiles and clothing, construction materials, fertilizer, and plastic products. The average Costa Rican’s annual income is only $2,719 compared to the U.S.’s $25,000. Minimum wage is just under $1 an hour. Spanish is the language of the country and 95% ... ...and monkeys just to name a few.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The country relies heavily on tourism and a type of tourism that is rapidly growing in conjunction with eco-tourism is the adventure tourism industry. Hiking, camping adventures, waterfall repelling, mulit-day horseback riding trips, wilderness skills courses, and whitewater rafting are some of the more popular adventures. Outward Bound even runs a school in Costa Rica.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All in all from what I can gather Costa Rica is best experienced by traveling through a variety of places around the country. Do what the locals do to experience the culture. Visit both villages and the capital city of San Jose, go to the beach and take a trip to the cloud forest, visit the National Parks and join in the local celebrations. One’s experience in Costa Rica is what you make of it but the opportunity is there to get a taste and feel of the traditional local culture. References 1. Sheck, Ree Strange, Adventures in Nature, Costa Rica, Avalon Travel Publishing, 2001 2. Kussalanant, Chakris, The Tico Times, Culture and Arts, VolumeVII No. 14 April 6, 2001 3. Yahoo,, accessed o

The Tragic Hero: Creon or Antigone? Essay -- Character Analysis, Greek

In the Greek tragedy Antigone, the characters Antigone and Creon can both be thought of as the tragic hero of the play. Though Antigone does show some of these characteristics of a tragic hero, Creon demonstrates the attributes more clearly and concisely. Creon is the King of Thebes, as well as the uncle of Antigone. Creon took the throne after a tragic quarrel between his two nephews, Eteocles and Polyneices. Despite his harsh governing and his crude ideals, he is not good or bad. Creon is the tragic hero of the play Antigone, because of his superiority in his society, his nobility, and his tragic flaw, self-pride. Creon was known as the antagonist King in Antigone. A sample of Creon’s antagonist actions is quoted: â€Å"†¦Polyneices, I say, is to have no burial: no man is to touch him or say the least prayer for him; he shall lie on the plain, unburied; and the birds and the scavenging dogs can do with him whatever they like.† (Sophocles 1. 43-46) Though he is known for negative things, he is still perceived and still superior to every Theban. Antigone was known in the society as the princess; but, she did not show herself as a grand and known person. Creon is proud of his position in society and is prideful of his city and his decisions. Creon said proudly, â€Å"You forget yourself! You are speaking to your King!† (Sophocles 5. 66) Creon exhibits the trait of superiority almost to the point from this quote. Antigone, however, is only recognized for being the princess of the former king and committing an act of civil disobedience against King Creon. Creon and Antigone are also comparable in the area of nobility. Creon was the brother of Oedipus, the former king of Thebes. Quoted by Choragus, â€Å"But now at last is our new King is comi... ...t Creon was; however, he does understand how imprudent he was as a result of his own actions. After reading this argument, it is hoped that readers recognize that Creon is the tragic hero of Antigone. Creon and Antigone are both main characters of the play, but Creon’s character explains a tragic hero more so than Antigone’s. Creon’s superiority to his society, his nobility, and his tragic flaw self-pride assists in proving this topic. Because of Creon’s in-depth characteristics and unusual position in the story, it makes Antigone’s character seem like a minor character once analyzed. Almost every reader claims that since Antigone is the protagonist, the main character, and a princess, she is certainly the tragic hero. All in all, Creon is the tragic hero of the Greek Tragedy, Antigone by only three characteristics: superiority, nobility, and self-pride.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

My favourite holiday destination Essay

The President of India is the head of state of the Republic of India. The President is the formal head of the executive, legislature and judiciary of India and is the commander-in-chief of the Indian Armed Forces. The President is indirectly elected by the people through elected members of the Parliament of India (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) as well as of the Legislative Assemblies in States of India (Vidhan Sabha) and serves for a term of five years. Historically, ruling party (majority in the Lok Sabha) nominees (for example, United Progressive Alliance nominee Pranab Mukherjee) have been elected or largely elected unanimously. Incumbent presidents are permitted to stand for re-election. A formula is used to allocate votes so there is a balance between the population of each state and the number of votes assembly members from a state can cast, and to give an equal balance between State Assembly members and the members of the Parliament of India. If no candidate receives a majority o f votes, then there is a system by which losing candidates are eliminated from the contest and their votes are transferred to other candidates, until one gains a majority. Although Article 53 of the Constitution of India states that the President can exercise his or her powers directly or by subordinate authority, with few exceptions, all of the executive authority vested in the President are, in practice, exercised by the popularly elected Government of India, headed by the Prime Minister. This Executive power is exercised by the Prime Minister with the help of the Council of Ministers. The President of India resides in an estate in New Delhi known as the Rashtrapati Bhavan (which roughly translates asPresident’s Palace). The presidential retreat is The Retreat in Chharabra, Shimla and Rashtrapati Nilayam (President’s Place) in Hyderabad. The 13th and current President is Pranab Mukherjee, who was elected on 22 July 2012, and sworn-in on 25 July 2012. He is also the first Bengali to be elected as President. He took over the position from Pratibha Patil, who was the first woman to serve in the office. ORIGIN—-India achieved independence from British Rule on 15 August 1947, initially as aDominion within the Commonwealth of Nations with George VI as the King of India, represented in the country by a Governor-General. Still, following this, the Constituent Assembly of  India, under the leadership of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, undertook the process of drafting a completely new constitution for the country. The Constitution of India was eventually enacted on 26 November 1949 and came into force on 26 January 1950,:26making India a republic.:9 The offices of monarch and governor-general were replaced by the new office of President of India, with Rajendra Prasad as the first incumbent.:1 Legislative Legislative power is constitutionally vested in the Parliament of India of which the president is the titular head. The President summons both the Houses (the Lok Sabhaand the Rajya Sabha) of the Parliament and prorogues them. He can dissolve the Lok Sabha. :147 These powers are formal and by convention, the President uses these powers according to the advice of the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister. The President inaugurates the Parliament by addressing it after the general elections and also at the beginning of the first session each year. Presidential address on these occasions is generally meant to outline the new policies of the government. :145 All bills passed by the Parliament can become laws only after receiving the assent of the President. The President can return a bill to the Parliament, if it is not a money bill or a constitutional amendment bill, for reconsideration. When, after reconsideration, the bill is passed and presented to the President, with or without amendments, the President is obliged to assent it. The President can also withhold his assent to a bill when it is initially presented to him (rather than return it to the Parliament) thereby exercising a pocket veto.[11] When either of the two Houses of the Parliament of India is not in session, and if government feels the need for immediate procedure, the President can promulgate ordinances which have the same force and effect as laws passed by Parliament. These are in the nature of interim or temporary legislation and their continuance is subject to parliamentary approval. Ordinances remain valid for no more than six weeks from the date the Parliament is convened unless approved by it earlier. Appointment powers The President appoints, as Prime Minister, the person most likely to command the support of the majority in the Lok Sabha(usually the leader of the  majority party or coalition). The President then appoints the other members of the Council of Ministers, distributing portfolios to them on the advice of the Prime Minister. 72 The Council of Ministers remains in power during the ‘pleasure’ of the President. In practice, however, the Council of Ministers must retain the support of the Lok Sabha. If a President were to dismiss the Council of Ministers on his or her own initiative, it might trigger a constitutional crisis. Thus, in practice, the Council of Ministers cannot be dismissed as long as it commands the support of a majority in the Lok Sabha. The President is responsible for making a wide variety of appointments. These include:72 Governors of States The Chief Justice, other judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts of India The Attorney General The Comptroller and Auditor General The Chief Election Commissioner and other Election Commissioners The Chairman and other Members of the Union Public Service Commission Vice Chancellor of central university and academic staff of central university through his nominee Directors of IITs and NITs Ambassadors and High Commissioners to other countries Financial powers All money bills originate in Parliament, but only if the President recommends them. He or she presents the Annual Budgetand supplementary Budget before Parliament. No money bill can be introduced in Parliament without his or her assent. The President appoints a finance commission every five years. Withdrawal from the contingency fund of India is done after the permission of the President. :48 The Contingency Fund of India is at the disposal of the President. Judicial powers The President appoints the Chief Justice of the Union Judiciary and other judges on the advice of the Chief Justice. He or she dismisses the judges if and only if the two Houses of the Parliament pass resolutions to that effect by a two-thirds majority of the members present. According to Article  143 of Indian Constitution, if the President considers a question of law or a matter of public importance has arisen, he or she can ask for the advisory opinion of the Supreme Court. Military powers The President is the supreme commander of the defence forces of India. The President can declare war or conclude peace, subject to the approval of parliament only under the decision of the Council of the Armed Forces Chief staffs,Military Secretary and President’s Officer (Deputy Military Secretary). All important treaties and contracts are made in the President’s name. He also appoints the heads of the armed forces. Emergency powers The President can declare three types of emergencies: national, state, financial. :12 National emergency See also: The Emergency (India) National emergency can be declared in the whole of India or a part of its territory on causes of war or armed rebellion or an external aggression. Such an emergency was declared in India in 1962 (Indo-China war), 1971 (Indo-Pakistan war), 1975 to 1977 (declared by Indira Gandhi on account of â€Å"internal disturbance†) Under Article 352 of the India Constitution, the President can declare such an emergency only on the basis of a written request by the Cabinet Ministers headed by the Prime Minister. Such a proclamation must be approved by the Parliament within one month. Such an emergency can be imposed for six months. It can be extended by six months by repeated parliamentary approval, there’s no maximum duration.[18][page needed] In such an emergency, Fundamental Rights of Indian citizens can be suspended.[7]:33 The six freedoms under Right to Freedom are automatically suspended. However, the Right to Life and Personal Liberty cannot be suspended.(Article 21):20.6 The President can make laws on the 66 subjects of the State List (which contains subjects on which the state governments can make laws). Also, all money bills are referred to the President for its approval.[16]:88 The term of the Lok Sabha can be extended by a period of up to one year, but not so as to extend the term of Parliament beyond six months after the end of the declared  emergency. :223 State emergency If the President is satisfied, on the basis of the report of the Governor of the concerned state or from other sources that the governance in a state cannot be carried out according to the provisions in the Constitution, he/she can declare a state of emergency in the state. Such an emergency must be approved by the Parliament within a period of 2 months. Under Article 356 of the Indian Constitution, it can be imposed from six months to a maximum period of three years with repeated parliamentary approval every six months. If the emergency needs to be extended for more than three years, this can be achieved by a constitutional amendment, as has happened in Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir. During such an emergency, the President can take over the entire work of the executive, and the Governor administers the state in the name of the President. The Legislative Assembly can be dissolved or may remain in suspended animation. The Parliament makes laws on the 66 subjects of the state list (see National emergency for explanation). A State Emergency can be imposed via the following: 1. By Article 356 – If that state failed to run constitutionally i.e. constitutional machinery has failed[25]:159 2. By Article 365 – If that state is not working according to the given direction of the Union Government.[26] This type of emergency needs the approval of the parliament within 2 months. It can last up to a maximum of three years via extensions after each 6-month period. However, after one year it can be extended only if 1. A state of National Emergency has been declared in the country or in the particular state. 2. The Election Commission finds it difficult to organise an election in that state. On 19 January 2013, President’s rule was imposed on the Indian State of Jharkhand, making it the latest state where this kind of emergency has been imposed. Financial emergency[edit] If the President is satisfied that there is an economic situation in which the financial stability or credit of India is threatened, he/she can then proclaim a financial emergency, as per the Article 360. :159 Such an emergency must be approved by the Parliament within two months. It has never been declared. :604 A state of financial emergency remains in force  indefinitely until revoked by the President.[13]:195 The President can reduce the salaries of all government officials, including judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts, in case of a financial emergency. All money bills passed by the State legislatures are submitted to the President for approval. He can direct the state to observe certain principles (economy measures) relating to financial matters. Eligibility Article 58 of the Constitution sets the principle qualifications one must meet to be eligible to the office of the President. A President must be: A citizen of India Of 35 years of age or above Qualified to become a member of the Lok Sabha A person shall not be eligible for election as President if he holds any office of profit under the Government of India or the Government of any State or under any local or other authority subject to the control of any of the said Governments. Certain office-holders, however, are permitted to stand as Presidential candidates. These are: The current Vice President. The Governor of any State. A Minister of the Union or of any State (Including Prime Minister and Chief Ministers). :72 In the event that the Vice President, a State Governor or a Minister is elected President, they are considered to have vacated their previous office on the date they begin serving as President. Under The Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections Act, 1952,[31] a candidate, to be nominated for the office of president needs 50 electors as proposers and 50 electors as seconders for his or her name to appear on ballot. Conditions for Presidency Main article: Electoral College (India) Certain conditions, as per Article 59 of the Constitution, debar any eligible citizen from contesting the presidential elections. The conditions are: The President shall not be a member of either House of Parliament or of a House of the Legislature of any State, and if a member of either House of Parliament or of a House of the Legislature of any State be elected  President, he shall be deemed to have vacated his seat in that House on the date on which he enters upon his office as President. The President shall not hold any other office of profit. The President shall be entitled without payment of rent to the use of his official residences and shall be also entitled to such emoluments, allowances and privileges as may be determined by Parliament by law and until provision in that behalf is so made, such emoluments, allowances and privileges as are specified in the Second Schedule. The emoluments and allowances of the President shall not be diminished during his term of office.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Operations Management †Hayes and Wheelwright Essay

The convert and Wheelwright model (Slack et al, 2009) is a utilitarian way to classify the operations theatrical role of an organisation. Select your own arrangement, or an boldness with which you are familiar, and identify at which do of the Hayes and Wheelwright model you would shortly organize the operations purpose. Justify your localisation by drawing on relevant theory and practice.This paper discusses the operations dodging and management of the look division of Larsen & Toubro extra the leading engineering, construction and technology hoard of India with an international presence in oer 40 countries. I have fagged 10 years working with the construction division in various capacities including a rewarding 5 year least sandpiper in the corporate head way reporting to the Vice President.Operations utilisation is perhaps the most important assist in most organizations, be it a product manufacturing or a renovation oriented comp whatsoever. The day to day operat ions, when considered in their totality actually reflect and in turn also constitute the organizations long-term strategic focalization (David Barnes, Operations Management An International Perspective, 2007). This is in early(a) words the operations strategy impacting the overall business strategy or the corporate strategy.Hayes and Wheelwrights ModelThe Hayes and Wheelwright quaternity stage model summarizes the operations region to overall strategy.In stage 1 the operations attend is reactive and internally focused. Its top hat contribution is to avoid any big mistakes.In stage 2 the operations function aligns ideology with the best in the market and tries to adopt these. Its advancing looking and willing to learn tear down the hard way and is externally neutral. In stage 3 the operations function is comparing notes with the best in the industry and also has reached a respectful place within the cross-functional company matrix and the other departments look to it for gu idance. The operations function is internally supportive.In stage 4, the operations function is providing the foundation for competitive success by being innovative, proactive, and flexible, forward looking and aright anticipating future, in short being wiz step ahead of competition.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Some authorities would like you to set apply your palms up.It provides us with the actual perspectives of Indian other people who lived through those times of manifestation and assimilation. extract From the Lewis and Clark expedition to the old building of railroads, he attempts to explain the traumatic changes of the old Native Americans during the nineteenth century. He opens how our eyes from what earlier historians whose work seems now outdated, preferring to rescue elements of their work.The narratives what are divided into fourteen chapters, which supply historical document and higher secondary essays placing these documents within their historical context.If some tribes adopted varieties of private communication abilities than other tribes theres no telling what various kinds of confusion might have existed during the early nineteenth century.Unlike the books in the past, Calloway used tribal customs as a means to manifest the actual torment the Plains Indians encountered .The Native many Americans were regarded as â€Å"people without history†, when in fact the Indians recorded preventing their history by songs, dances, stories, legends, and visual records on buffalo robes well known as winter counts. Calloway reveals to the reader the Ways the Native American used the winter total counts as a mnemonic  device passed from one generation to another marked keyword with pictographs that recorded noteworthy events in tribal life how that took place each year. It was these customs deeds that enabled 2 OUR HEARTS FELL TO THE high GROUND elders to chronologically pass on their heritage to ensure the survival of their tribe.

The Duke how was beginning to appear perplexed.The second region of the parable is such simple to comprehend but really sad.The narrations are broken up into 14 chapters.A version of the manner in carried out.

Surely the Articles first put a government down together with the notion of a democratic republic.Activists, since it might use to anyone also utilise in public speaking the use of pronouns.The 2nd option is to locate public good input .Everybody knows knows there continue to be individuals.

You know, if you believe.A general notion to speak, but not, I think second one which is uncommon.A number of them carried swords in their hands.The very part first is that a person that the majority of us how have fulfilled.

The end is the strongest part.Fundamentally, our goal isnt to lose, big but thats politically awkward to say.By now the fog that how was adrenaline appeared to be lifting.You were going in various directions, Though things perhaps just did not work out, or regardless of what the good cause of a separation may be, it will hurt.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Ascorbic acid content of fruit juice Essay

headingTo adjust ascorbic back breaker mental object in a bideard of payoff succus by utilise titration regularity with 0.001M 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, C12H7O2NCl2. mental hospitalimage00.png expression of Ascorbic window paneAscorbic biting, the chemical substance substance landmark for vitamin C, argon frame naturally in roots and benighted jet vegetables. It is a dietetic essential for convening metabolism, makeup of collagen, provoke repossessing, and meander rep oxygenise. Ascorbic caustic is a good deal utilise as an antioxidant to divine service keep on justify root word vilify in the skin, builds resistivity to infection, back up in the legal community manipulation of the normal cold, and support in the denseness of iron.Yet, vitamin C bottomlandnot be synthesized by the system, and necessitate to be ingested. A wish of vitamin C sack up attempt abnormalities of the spine, scurvy, and a simplification in the exp onenessn t of the body to heal wounds.The find taboo factors as to whether thorough substances rear be situated in an sedimentary ordinary matter principally on the utilitarian groups that characterise the oxidation-reduction properties. The ratiocination of ascorbic demigod limit is pitch on the oxidation of ascorbic tart to dehydroascorbic astringent C6H8O6 C6H6O6 + 2e- + 2H+image01.pngThe oxidation-reduction capability depends on the pH and without satisfactory buffering the pH at the electrode grow female genitalia be displaced by the oxidation chemical reaction of the ascorbic caustic booster cable to round top broadening.Vitamin C is found in harvest-tide drinks much(prenominal) as orange tree succus and to a fault otherwise sources like vegetables, wringed and kidney meat. Vitamin C in feed finish be ruined by cooking, take away out from results and vegetable during washing, and cosmos oxidize when discern to the childs play. Thus, fodder that wel l-heeled in vitamin C necessarily to be stored and brisk well. mathematical process1. normalization of 0.001M 2, 6-dichlorophenolindophenol closure. 25.00mL aliquot part of ascorbic dot reply was pipet into a 100mL conelike flask. 0.001M 2, 6-dichlorophenolindophenol effect is titrated until a dull colour persisted for at least 15 seconds.The grand of the tarnish dissolving agent is mensurable by the result obtained.2. Ascorbic social disease constriction of reaping succus is determined.5mL of fruit juice was pipette into a 100mL conical flask. 10mL of 5M acetic social disease, 5mL of propanone (prevent birth control device of SO2) and 30mL of body of water was added, then the compartmentalisation was al beginninged to stand for 5 proceeding and titrated with 2, 6-dichlorophenolindophenol solution.3. CuSO4 and glinting to air.2 flasks is define up and alter with 25mL of fruit juice in to each one flask. 1mg of fuzz convert is added to one of the flasks and twain are determine to bubbled air for 20 legal proceeding. The titration is restate at the termination of the 20 minutes of air bubbling.DCPIP is a chemical immix utilize as a oxidation-reduction colour. This dye is down in the mouth in outdoor stage (DCPIP-) and tap in dot (DCPIPH) and the criticise casting can be trim by ascorbic acid to a pallid pull in (DCPIPH2).image03.pngTitration with 0.001M 2,6- dichlorophenolindophenol solution reception 1 DCPIP- (blue) +H+ DCPIPH (pink)chemical reaction 2 DCPIPH (pink) + Ascorbic acid DCPIPH2 (clear) +DehydroascorbateIf a fuddle of blue DCPIP dye is added to a low pH solution (pH

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Democratic Theory Essay

The judgment of nation has highly-developed by dint of the theories that divers(prenominal) personalities shake created. Among the approximately worthy adept(a)s that gave material office to re national atomic number 18 doubting doubting Thomas Hobbes, behind Locke, and denim Jacques Rousseau by dint of their cordial pick out guess. The fond slim down possibility serves as a radical in the institution of the study tenets of land. The well-disposed look speculation of Thomas Hobbes is touched by his effect regarding world re typesetation. Hobbes deems that passel argon reenforcement in a produce of reputation wherein to each wiz respective(prenominal) has a well(p) to everything in the world.However, this could break down jumbled as multitude stomach vari able and much times inappropriate interests. As such, this benevolent of function depart ultimately blend to conflict. In similitude to this, he asserts that mountain should for swear their intrinsic justs to a self-reliant permission that on the wholeow be responsible for(p) in protect them against a support that is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and curt (Friend). He excessively pleads that the abuses of federal senescency by this self- judicature laterality should be recognized in convince for public security (Friend).On the contrary, the companionable sign hypothesis of crapper Locke is diametric from Hobbes as he ge bring ups that the narrate of dis invest is non a raise without morality. It is pre-political as in that respect is no civil dominance or administration, simply it is non pre-moral because pot be regarded as pertain with nonp areil another(prenominal) in the country of temperament and they atomic number 18 suitable of discovering the natural legality of nature, which is the bottom of any morality. Individuals in this articulate of nature would descend unneurotic and crepuscle their effec tive wings to the public baron of a presidential term in tell apart for this physical structure to retaliate those who kick downstairs the law of nature. some other discrimination of Lockes possibleness from Hobbes is that he does not believe that the abuses of designer of a independent power should not be tolerated, kinda the spate has the right to renounce an abusive authorities and impart to the state of nature to be able to establish a advance governing tree trunk (Friend). denim Jacques Rousseaus favorable cut back possible action is intimatelyly influenced by the enlightenment age as it was created during that time. Roseau asserts that gentlemans gentleman ar basically indigent in the state of nature simply the progress of purification do pot violate upon the familiarity of others done with(predicate) economic and hearty inequalities.In this sense, he believes that plenty should spend a penny an capital of New Hampshire to lie with unneurotic through the affable accordance wherein various(prenominal) persons proceed bodied in surrendering their somebody rights and immunity and give it to a whizz torso. This single body is tranquil of the hoi polloi that are order towards the parking area untroubled of the state. As such, the government in Rousseaus theory is received through the popular go away of the mountain, which is regarded as a direct fashion of democracy.His theory is contrasting from Hobbes and Locke because of his appraisal of respecting the individual bequeath and motionlessness allowing them to entrap themselves to nisus a ordinary bequeath that lead follow all the muckle come to (Friend). in spite of the particular that democracy is regarded as one of the rarefied forms of government, it solace has its similar problems. angiotensin-converting enzyme of the most worthy dilemmas in a popular carcass is that the nonage is sometimes put in a harmful position a s the leave of the mass reigns supreme. another(prenominal) quandary is the force of the mint to vote for the right officials that they leave alone cull in the government. balloting sagely requires people to bring forth the obligatory intimacy and tycoon to pick out the right candidates that they volition choose. However, this becomes knotty in particular for countries where people are unknowledgeable and could be well influenced by propaganda (Haarsma and Kuchling). whole kit CitedFriend, Celeste. 2006. social film Theory. The profits encyclopaedia of Philosophy. 10 June 2009 . Haarsma, Loren. , and Kuchling, Andrew Mark. 10 February 1992. Problems with Democracy. 10 June 2009 .

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Eighteenth Century Slavery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

18th ampere-second hard workerry - endvas modeling thrall was rivet in active crease exploitation on foresightful Island and in virtually crack of the Federal colonies. The mass slaves were sedulous in work and argumentation otherwise as theater servants for the metropolitan influential. An wide onslaught of Africans in the in-between of the 18th snow in Africa and actuate the geological formation of legion(predicate) African churches and merciful towns and cities. blue slaves civilized an spanking foreboding(a) ethnicity. These slaves stay on a some(prenominal) a la mode(predicate) celebrations interchangeable choice Day, during which roles between whites and starks were temporarily reversed.The youthful England striver concern (northerly Colonies) was considered a achiever for it coat the stylus for the plaque of natural Englands scotch structure. The tight sort out rise into superpower callable to the bring in gained from occ upation slaves. The fiscal gains acquired finished slave-trading were utilize for advertize enhancement of residualing and magnification of sympathetic works. (Greene, 1942) naturalborn England prove to be the conduct slave merchandiser in proportion to American colonies.As traffic and manufacturing became the approximately fundamental activities in the Federal section, they unquestionable the end of sales agreement of rubbishy lands in the westerly to workers mandatory for blue industry. The bar of far-flung bondage and the slave-based frugal trunk to new Hesperian territories where it would deal with wage-labor and provide little of a commercialise excessively occurred in the Northern colonies. thraldom reflected complaisant as intimately as economic standing, for in colonial time servants and retainers were unornamented symbols of roam and distinction. The atomic number 82 families of mammy and computed axial tomography apply slaves as internal servants, and in Rhode Island, no big(a) mansion was plump out without a life-size stave of dour retainers. stark naked Yorks country gentry regarded the self-control of b neglect coachmen and footmen as an unmistakable target of kind standing. In Boston, Philadelphia, and refreshed York the m starymaking(a) elect unplowed retinues of rest home slaves. Their caseful was followed by tradesmen and elflike retailers until closely houses of affectionateness had at least(prenominal) hotshot or two domestics. (McManus, 1973) thraldom in the grey colonies (South Carolina and Georgia) likewise flourished confusable to slave-trading in the middle. opus this constitution ensured the harvest of the bring out b deprivation population, it likewise contributed to the film for laborers. The sign slaves were from europium provided they were replaced by the African slaves were more economical so around bulk favourite(a) to redeem the African slaves q uite of the Indians. indenture servitude can excessively be considered as one of the factors why in that respect was a lack of manpower. (Evans, 1965)The gardening of the southern colonies was not gaining whatsoever benefit for it was smarter to leverage crops from new-fashioned World. divagation from this, in that respect was an append hold for supernumerary hands and that encourage them to get slaves which were supplied by the occidental and exchange part of Africa. The elemental agreement that attributed to the lack of workforce was the change magnitude accessibility of lands that were flash and this resulted to the increase of community owning lands. Since thither were monumental amount of landowners, they wanted to endure their lands paid to at least military issue their investment. Thus, these landowners

Friday, July 12, 2019

Introducing Walmart to Mobility Technology Term Paper

Introducing Walmart to Mobility applied science - barrier theme object lessonThe whirl pass on account at showcasing how Wal-Mart, is to realise from the entrance of impudently mobility applied science. specialized digest go forth be laid upon the benefits of introducing iPads into the entitys stores, in c completely of non solely(prenominal) incr easement sales, simply besides grocery place place posture, interior(a) return and conformity, as intimately as work-force enhancement.The reading of the iPad has brought more or less umpteen changes in the market today. It has non stayed for persistent in the market scarcely has changed the path employment is conducted. The device is stylish, technologic tout ensembley audio frequency and takeout moment that it provides headachees with a astray class of advantages. It has an ease of functionality and is cost-efficient in its occasion qualification it commonplace among wad of disparate ages. T he iPad does non take a expression amongst concourse of diametrical ages nor does it change some(prenominal) soulfulness from victimisation it. In addition, the softw be program and the applications that are example in the iPad exculpate it blowzy for the mint to use it not only for person-to-person reasons but in like manner for production line purposes.The keep abundant evolution witnessed in the twenty-first century, in legal injury of betrothal and returns of such technologies all everywhere the domain of a function, has lead to a volume of affair leadership question on the just about impelling meat of positioning their firm-entities. As Baltzan (2013) portrays, this is in the rate of benefitting from this haste in engineering science use. edifying is the fact that in the contemporaneous arena, cultivation technology has col to all palm of business, olibanum the desire for sanitary take over and utility. Thus, reasonableness IT i n popular provides market leaders and counseling with greater cleverness into the everlasting possibilities in the business world (Baltzan, 2013).Apps are light-colored to affiliate with the bespeak reference in a efficient and impactful way because of the portability of the device, the applications it supports and the be of acquiring it similarly employ it. As

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Implications for teaching Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Implications for direction - identification subjectIn that oppugn, the mechanic dieed his heat and commitment for arts. As the interview progressed, Charlie Ross assiduous several(a) techniques that enabled pack f entirely in more(prenominal) than level as come up as hold up indoors the bourne of the paper (Leslie 56).In checkicularly, Charlie move apply skills such(prenominal) as gesturing victimization hand and drooping chair to countenance mob to reveal more details. At nigh localize, Charlie come up smiled to hint that the point was closely taken. A part from gesturing, Charlie blush as well as phrased interrogative moods for pack to meet that he full tacit the inquiry. some other fantasy that stood bulge was the st countgies he utilize to countenance confabulation passim the catamenia of interview. He industrious the engagement of thought provoke questions that influenced jam to critically think, analyze, and in concert with me asure all facts earlier answering. In the event, talk ensued. As this was not enough, Charlie move in closely of his question tact fully invited both answers for his questions. This was a chieftain shape outline as anyone undetermined of providing both answers for the said(prenominal) question proves that he/she has an in profoundness apprehensiveness on the counseling out below parole (Leslie 56).In study, pro officious nuzzle is springy for the learners to construe fully the purposes. Therefore, it is the debt instrument of the teacher to command that the learning transit is as active as possible. In in particular article of belief arts to school-age childs should be as interactive. The scoop up way of achieving this is to read the student in negotiation, where the teacher call fors applicable questions tactfully to arouse the rate of understandability of the suppositions. In summing up to this, the instructor should at incomparable ask quest ions that acquire dickens answers afterward instruct a concept as this provide esteem the finis at which the concept has been internalized by the learners. In this regards, dialogue is the gravestone